Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Minority and Majority Influence

As social beings, with each one of us connected to a whole network of other humans and their associated beliefs, opinions and traits practically every conscious second of the day, it is inevitable that we will be subject to external influences. These influences come in all shapes and forms from a whole multitude of sources, occurring both consciously and unconsciously, instantaneously or over a prolonged period of time, with the potential effect of these influences ranging from the immaterial to the life-changing. While our susceptibility to influence from the connected world around us can be hard to measure given our constant exposure to several different influences, social psychologists have been able to study the world of influence†¦show more content†¦One may find this interesting as it demonstrates the unconscious influence we are all subject to throughout life by the other members of our cultural group. Another factor that would make people more susceptible to group in fluence is the size of the group. While one may naturally think this seems obvious, with the more members in a group the more likely one is to be influenced, investigations have identified that a group of 3-5 is the ideal number for influence to occur. A group size of less than 3 people sees conformity significantly reduced (Bond, 2005), while there appears to be little difference in the effect of the size of the group once the group has reached a size of 5. One may challenge this, as it would seem to contradict slightly the phenomenon of de-individualisation which can see individuals doing things they would never dream of doing if acting independently, though as a result of the big group setting in which the individual finds themself, they lose their sense of individual identity and act in line with the crowd. One would expect this to occur much more readily when in a crowd of 20,000, as opposed to a group of 5. Above and beyond one’s cultural tendencies and the size of the group, there areShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Perspective Views Society Less as a Cohesive System and More as an Arena of Conflict and Power Struggles. Compare and Contrast the Main Tenets of the Functionalist and Conflict Perspectives.1319 Words   |  6 PagesCOURSE: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY TOPIC: The conflict perspective views society less as a cohesive system and more as an arena of conflict and power struggles. Compare and contrast the main tenets of the functionalist and conflict perspectives. ANSWER: SECTION A Functionalists view society as a system of Social structures or subsystems working interdependently. In order for society to function, all parts of the whole must have a general consensus. Similarly, conflict theorists operate onRead MoreAnalysis Of Mama s Here Now 1536 Words   |  7 Pagesof this show realize the influence they have and use it to identify many different social issues. 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